***آیین‌نامه برگزاری المپیاد آب و فاضلاب در پیوست قرار دارد***   لطفا فرم تکمیل شده (فرم در پیوست این صفحه موجود است)شرکت در مسابقه المپیاد آب و فاضلاب به انضمام تمام فایل های مربوط به مستندات درخواستی را در قالب یک فایل Zip آماده و از طریق ایمیل به آدرس زیر ارسال فرمائید. iwwa.competitions@gmail.com  
خبرنامه انجمن آب و فاضلاب ایران - شماره هفتاد و پنج (خرداد 1401)


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Thursday, 23 January 2025

About Us

Water and wastewater sciences have remarkable development due to the increasing of population, needs to the drinkable water resources, wastewater treatment and recycle of wastewater. Iranian universities have considerable improvement in quantitative and qualitative development of this science especially in training and technology research and development section

On the other hand, Water & Wastewater companies, which fulfill all practical requirements in this regard, are facing with problems because of financial and technical shortage

Therefore, it was crucial to establish a scientific association to foster the practical needs as well as knowledge improvement at universities

For this reason, a group of Iranian researchers & scientists who have more than 15 years of experiences in the editorial board of Water and Wastewater Journal decided to forge the Iranian water and wastewater association in order to compensate aforementioned lacks and address the existing problems in this field

This association established in 20/1/2014 after authorization issued by the scientific commission associations of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

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